We are an international theatre company that produces plays and acting workshops around the world.
IT New York is Actors. It New York is Directors. Artists working towards a common goal of perfecting a technique built on the principals of Strasberg and Stanislavski but free from the limitations and stereotypes commonly associated with “The Method.”
Our intensive discipline uses sense memory training in developing the actor’s ability to produce specific emotional, physical, mental and spiritual conditions. We then apply exciting new discoveries in character development that take the actor far beyond the traditional ‘Method' technique. The actor inhabits the character fully!
The workshop, in an intimate setting of about 16 people, is designed for each actor to receive constant and concentrated attention. During the workshop, the actor will be engrossed in an intense training environment over the course of ten days.
When we have trained to the point where the character's behavior becomes spontaneous and unconscious, we can become more creative than we ever thought possible, because the imaginative impulse will be unconscious and experiential rather than merely mental. At this point the actor's performance can take flight." Robert Castle
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News about the IT New York Family
Thanks to all who have supported or collaborated with us, and we will see you soon somewhere in the world!